Saturday, 29 September 2012
FRANCE: Creative mosque desecration by Muslims, no doubt
Now that they’ve garnered little sympathy by vandalzing their own mosques with anti-Islam graffiti, they’ve switched to blaming it on the Jews by painting pro-Israel graffiti. Aren’t these Muslim inbreds clever?
Islamophobie The Collectif contre L’islamophobie en France reports a graffiti attack on a mosque at Vandœuvre in north-eastern France. The word “Israel” in Hebrew has been sprayed onto the doors along with a Star of David and “LDJ” – the initials of the Ligue de défense juive (Jewish Defence League).
DEARBORNISTAN: Muslims in America rally against the First Amendment
Led by a newspaper publisher, Muslim activists in Dearborn, a hotbed of sharia activism in Michigan, will call for putting limits on American free speech at a rally this evening. Rally organizer, Tarek Baydoun, says that so-called blasphemy laws are necessary to prevent speech that hurts the the religious feelings of Muslims. Oh, Boo Hoo!
DETROIT NEWS Nearly a decade after Dearborn’s streets celebrated America for bringing down Saddam Hussein and opening a door to democracy in the Mideast, the same city will be the epicenter today of calls to squelch free speech. Protesting the film, “Innocence of Muslims,” that has sparked protests in the Mideast.
This assault on the First Amendment in the name of the prophet Mohammed is a sad day in America – and confirms fears that Muslim-American activists do not understand the fundamental separation of church and state in the American Constitution.
“There is a need for deterrent legal measures against those individuals or groups that want to damage relations between people, spread hate and incite violence,” said Arab-American News publisher Osama Siblani, a self-proclaimed “moderate” who is apparently oblivious to how gutting the First Amendment would affect his own business.
The Dearborn organizers seek an international law banning what they define as anti-Mohammed speech that would supersede American law. The rally comes just days after President Obama reaffirmed America’s commitment to free speech in a U.N. address.
Siblani & Co. say they condemn the violence – which we now know had nothing to do with the film – but are using the film to advance their anti-free speech agenda.
“The gathering will stress that the rise of Islamophobia is hurting America’s national interests, its image abroad and inciting worldwide violence,” say the rally organizers. Ironically, the rally comes at a time when hate crimes toward Muslims in America have dropped more 50 percent in a decade.
Rally against free speech in Dearborn last Friday, Sept. 21st
Friday, 28 September 2012
MUST READ: White man gets called racist for fighting Asian mugger!
Wanstead man steps in to tackle mugger at Santander cashpoint in Wanstead High Street.
A MUGGER was left bloodied and bruised at a high street cashpoint when an onlooker stepped in and gave him a ‘proper hiding’.
Scaffolder Tommy Stapleton, 32, of Dangan Road in Wanstead, was enjoying a Saturday afternoon drink outside Bar Room Bar in the High Street, when he heard screaming and shouting outside the Santander Bank a few doors down.
He said: “Funnily enough I was telling my friend how nice Wanstead was when I saw these guys mugging an old man.
“One of them jumped in a white Nissan GTI and sped off, but the other fellow ran into the road.”
Mr Stapleton dropped his drink and rushed from the bar to confront the remaining mugger.
“I rugby tackled him in the middle of the road,” he said.
“He squirmed away from me, so I just clumped him.”
The struggle attracted the attention of diners at the Nice Croissant Café but, just as Mr Stapleton managed to get a grip on the mugger, a crowd of women rushed out and started screaming at him.
Mr Stapleton said: “Some of them were shouting ‘It’s a racist attack!’ because the guy was Muslim.
“I had him pinned down and was screaming at the people in the bar to call the police, but with all these women shouting at me I lost my concentration and let him go.”
The mugger ran off down the High Street toward Christ Church Green, leaving Mr Stapleton clutching his jacket and phone.
He said: “I had some of his blood on my left arm from where I’d punched him and I was trying to explain what had happened to a customer who came out of the British Heart Foundation shop.
“She told me I shouldn’t have got involved. I just said ‘Are you stupid?’
“I was scared of getting in trouble because I gave him a proper hiding, but people should step in if they see something like this happening.”
The cashpoint mugging is the third on the high street in as many weeks which the Guardian has been made aware of.
Mr Stapleton said: “I saw your story a couple of weeks back about the two pensioners getting mugged at cash machines on the High Street and I think it’s disgraceful.
“The robbery squad told me nobody ever gets involved, and thanked me for getting his jacket and phone. They were also able to get some DNA off my arm. The victim was just delighted I helped out.
“Hopefully this little runt has learnt his lesson.”
Both muggers are described as Muslim, between 18 and 20, and about 5ft 7in.
• Anyone who saw the attack, which took place at about 2.20pm on September 15, should call Ilford CID on 020 8345 1626, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Aryan Nation Vs The Jews
This is the American people coming together who realise that their country is being taken over by immigrants and the blacks. As far as i'm concerned, all white people who love their race should be a part of the Aryan Nation and make a stand and show the governments that we are white people who have had enough, and we want to be treated right just like it was before we were out numbered by all the immigrants they let in to destroy us. We need an Aryan Nation in Great Britain, so we can link up with America and Germany.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
And the Europeans were filled to the brim with the same minded appeasing grovel as well.
As the old saying goes: “there is nothing new under the sun”.
Folks, looking at the few posts I’ve done on this issue, the groveling, apologizing and bending over backwards of heads of states over the supposed ”abuse of free speech”, take a look at this. Vlad published a video not to long ago along the very same theme, and I was floored by the piece of film that he found, now this…..
The spineless merchants of grovel don’t derserve to live in this age where freedom of speech in fact exists. If you do not stand up and be counted, you will lose it to spineless bastards like the Obama admin, Helsingin Sanomat’s Mikael Pentikäinen, the EU’s laughing stock of a parliament and chair, Martin Schultz ….and the rest.
NOTE: This piece by Billingsly is the coupe de grace to the mealy mouthed apologizers to Islam over Western free speech rights, be damned the lot of you.
“Let me make it perfectly clear that the United States government had nothing whatsoever to do with this film,” Hull said in a statement. “The United States government regrets that some individuals have abused their right to free speech by showing disrespect for other nations, governments and leaders with which the United States is at peace and wishes to remain at peace.”
The German-American Bund and similar groups in other countries have been protesting the “The Great Dictator,” a film produced, written and directed by comedian Charlie Chaplin.
In the film Chaplin plays Adenoid Hynkel, ruthless dictator of Tomania, who believes in a pure Aryan state, the decimation of the Jews, and world domination. Tomania first invades neighboring Osterlich, an obvious reference to Osterreich or Austria, which Germany annexed two years ago in the March 1938 Anschluss.
“Austria has always been German,” said Fritz Kuhn of the German-American Bund, a group promoting friendship and trade between the United States and Germany. “And Germany’s leader deserves better than to be portrayed as a buffoon by the Hollywood clown Chaplin, who is only trying to drag American boys into war.”
Last February 20 the Bund held a rally in Madison Square Garden in which Kuhn told 20,000 people that president Roosevelt should be called “Frank D. Rosenfeld” and his New Deal the “Jew Deal.” Bundists clashed with protesters and violence has also broken out near theatres showing “The Great Dictator.”
German foreign minister Ribbentrop has yet to respond to Secretary Hull. Last August Ribbentrop and Soviet diplomat Vyacheslav Molotov signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact, also known as the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Shortly after the Pact was signed, Germany and its Soviet communist ally invaded Poland. England is at war with Germany but the United States has remained out of the conflict despite calls for U.S. intervention from England, now standing alone against a German onslaught.
Since the signing of the Pact the Communist Party of the United States has been picketing the White House and calling President Roosevelt a “warmonger.” Communist groups have been collaborating with the Bund and other pro-Nazi groups to keep the United States out of a “foreign war” and “imperialist conflict.”
Monday, 24 September 2012
DEARBORNISTAN: Muslim convenience stores’ food stamp fraud
The Arab Muslim owners of three convenience stores in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights were arrested by federal agents, accused of scheming to defraud the Bridge Card program.
WXYZ (H/T Rob E) According to one of the criminal complaint the owner of one of the stores let bridge card holders illegally cash out their accounts, buy booze, cigarettes and perfumes, among other illegal items.
Among the most serious offenders, according to the U.S. Attorney, are the owners of Baghdad Mini Mart on Warren in Dearborn. The complaint claims the owners defrauded the Bridge Card Program of an estimated 1.65-million dollars over a period of three years. Bridge Cards are part of the food stamp initiative, which allows low-income families and individuals to purchase groceries.
Grand ayatollah: Jesus an illegitimate child
Khorasani, in a long statement quoting several verses from the Quranpublished Friday in Hawzah News, the official site of the seminaries in Qom, Iran, claims the only reason Jesus is regarded as holy is due to the Quran and Muhammad.
“Hey, clueless pope who has chosen silence (on the Muhammad video), answer this: If there was no Quran, then as the Bible and the Torah have it, Jesus the son of Miriam is a bastard and a bastard will be forbidden from the heavens of God, and so the high place of Jesus is due to the existence of the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet by God,” Khorasani said.
The grand ayatollah likened Muhammad to the sun that shines on humanity and cannot be diminished.
“The Prophet is the light of God and everlasting and that Allah, among all of His prophets, only compares himself to Muhammad and clearly calls him the last of His prophets with the most complete and righteous religion,” Khorasani said.
The Quran, the last book of God, removed the burden of “adultery” from Miriam and sanctified the birth of Jesus, Khorasani said. “The ignorant Christians burn the Quran and don’t understand that the result will be that Jesus becomes an illegitimate child.”
Khorasani had previously called the Bible wrong and unjust, a book that does not reflect the words of God but rather one that has been altered.
The U.N. General Assembly will again hear Muslim arguments this week over a proposed international law against blasphemy, this time spurred on by the Muhammad video. But such a law would also have to address Khorsani’s views.
See Khorasani’s statement below, or at this link.
A member of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution in Iran, Hassan Rahim Pour Azghodi, a noted ideologist and theorist of the Islamic regime, in a similar attack against Christianity on Thursday said,“The most corrupt individuals in (Christian) communities are their religious leaders and priests; however, in Islamic societies the most pure are the clerics.”
Azghodi praised the Islamic Awakening (Arab Spring) in the region, crediting the Islamic Republic of Iran for its success, and said Islam is the only expanding religion and that even Christians are converting to it.
“The Christian society today is the most corrupt with its behavior, and the West has the filthiest culture in the world, where savagery and voluptuousness are the two clear distinctions of it,” the ideologist said.
Azghodi, in an earlier speech on the Islamic regime’s State TV, had called for an international jihad to destroy the West.
Iranian clerics have been concerned about the spread of Christianity in Iran as tens of thousands have converted to it. Most Iranians resent the clerics and Islam, which have suppressed them since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Many have formed churches in their homes to spread the word of Christ, which Islamic officials call “the enemy’s efforts” to establish “house-churches.”
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, not only ordered the burning of tens of thousands of confiscated Bibles, calling it an unholy book, but also ordered the Intelligence Ministry to clamp down on converts, according to a former Revolutionary Guards intelligence officer who has defected to a Scandinavian country.
“The Guards intelligence has assigned a unit in major cities across the country with the order to infiltrate (the Christian) groups, identifying pastors and the members, then make arrests, forcing them under torture to agree to appear on TV and confess to criminal activities in having connections to Israel and America,” the source said. “Lashing the bare feet of those arrested with cable wires is one method of torture used. Other tortures include spouses of the arrested converts (being) brought in and beaten in front of them, while others are kept in total darkness in dungeon-type cells for weeks with no human contact, so that they lose sense of time.”
International pressure forced the regime to recently release Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who was jailed under a death sentence for three years on the charge of apostasy. Many more Iranian Christian converts remain jailed across Iran.
Reza Kahlili translated this Iranian video about Islamic prophecies of a coming messiah and the destruction of Israel:
Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and author of the award-winning book “A Time to Betray” (Simon & Schuster, 2010). He serves on the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and the advisory board of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI)
When that new mosque is built, you’ll never need an alarm clock again
It’s 5:00 AM. French patriots blare the Islamic Call to Prayer to give the neighbors a taste of the noise pollution they will awaken to every morning if that Saudi-funded mosque is built in their neighborhood.
The French city of Tours recently awakened to the eardrum-shattering sound of the Call to Prayer (according to Barack Hussein Obama, the “prettiest sound on earth”), generated not by Muslims in this case, but the French nationalist group ‘Vox Populi.’ Their aim was to spread awareness of the mosque construction plans in the area and demand transparency with regard to the mosque financing.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Innocence of Muslims is a documentory, not satire
Muslims worldwide protests the documentary film Innocence of Muslims. The film depicts their prophet as a child molester, womanizer and violent criminal. A few entries in Wikipedia with all its links to original Islamic sources confirms that Muhammed had sex with a nine year old girl, had thirteen wives and waged bloody wars against the neighbouring towns.
We have all noticed the embarrassing fact that the protesting Muslims have not been able to produce any arguments against the documentary's claims. It seems that in lack of evidence they resort to childish screaming, setting fire to things, explosives and killing innocents in a desperate attempt to silence their critics. The similarities between the film, and the scriptures and Muslims' energetic protests against it are indeed striking. The truth is apparently hard to hear. It is noteworthy how the followers of a faith that they themselves name as a religion of peace so often behave violently, especially when trying to convince us that their prophet does not inspire Muslims to violence.
The behaviour of our timid leaders is an affront to the hundreds of thousands of Europeans and Americans who in the centuries before us gave their lives to create and defend our humanistic societies built on free speech and secular laws against brutal kings and medieval religious institutions. By not standing up against the fanatics, which apparently constitute the majority of Muslims, they put their voters and our children in danger.
Some day very soon this will be clear to all.
Between 5000 and 7000 Gang Rapes Each Year in France
![]() |
Mahamadou Doucouré |
For several months, Nina and Stéphanie, aged 15 and 16, were the victims of gang rapes in the cellars of the Fontenay-sous-Bois estate. (…)At 16, Nina was a "very pretty girl", slim, with long black hair, brown, almond-shaped eyes, almost slanting. She can't say how many men raped her. The justice system has found 18 of them, 15 of whom will face judgement in the Créteil Court of Assizes for Minors starting on Tuesday. Nina recalls that on some evenings, in the cellars or stair cages in the Fontenay-sous-Bois estate (Val-de-Marne), there were "at least 25". Witnesses saw "about 50" boys "forming a queue"..
Nina was 16 the first time she was raped. She was coming back from the cinema when she was accosted by some boys, barely older than she was: they started hitting her then abusing her. This horror would become her day-to-day experience: for six months, Nina was beaten, raped by several "jeunes" from the estate at the same time, every day. Others watched. They threatened her: if she speaks, they will burn her apartment and attack her little brother.
He wasn't just one of the leaders of the tournantes [gang rapes] "organised" in the Fontenay-sous-Bois estate, but without doubt the most violent. Mahamadou Doucouré, also suspected of murdering his ex-girlfriend and kidnapping her son, is one of the central figures in this trial.
13 years after the facts, Nina and Stéphanie are going to face their torturers. The latter admit having had sexual relations with them, but deny their forced character. For them, the two women were consenting.
...Between 5000 and 7000 gang rapes are said to be committed each year in France. According to the associations, if these crimes are often associated with the banlieue, in reality they are committed in all milieus.
E-fit image released after girl approached by man in Aldershot
Detectives in Aldershot are appealing for information and witnesses after an 11-year-old girl was approached by a man as she was walking home.
The girl was walking along North Lane, near the junction with Woodland Walk at about 9.15pm on Wednesday, August 15, when a man in a dark-blue BMW car pulled up beside her and asked her to get in the car and help him look for a lost cat. He also offered to give her money if she helped him.
The girl walked away and continued her journey home and met her mum on the way. The girl’s mum spoke to the man in the car who said it was a misunderstanding, before driving off.
The man is described as Asian, aged about 30 and of a medium build. He had short black hair and was wearing a dark-blue polo shirt, black trousers, brown sandals and a gold chain.
Detective Constable Mark Ogburn said: “We are carrying out extensive enquiries to try and find out who this man is. Did you see a blue BMW car in the North Lane area at the time of this incident? Do you know who this man could be?
“Fortunately this young girl had the sense not to engage with this man and was able to meet her mother and explain what had happened. However, I would urge parents to ensure their children stay in groups if walking home late at night and to report any suspicious behaviour to police immediately.
“Officers will be conducting reassurance patrols in the area and if you have any concerns you can contact your local Safer Neighbourhoods team on 101.”
Can you help?
Anyone with information is asked to contact Det Con Ogburn at Aldershot Police Station on 101 or call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on the number shown below.
Mini-Com users can call
01962 875000
01962 875000
To contact an officer please use
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Pakistani National Usman Sethi Sought Over Theft of 252 iPhone 5′s (Wimbledon) More Stories Underneath.
Police have issued images of a man they wish to speak with in connection with the theft of 252 Apple iPhone 5 smartphones from a shop in Wimbledon.
The man is 23-year-old Usman Sethi, (dob 14/10/88), of Audley Gardens, Ilford. He works as an assistant at the O2 Store in the Tandem Centre in Wimbledon.
He is an Asian man, 6’1″ in height and a Pakistani national. He may be driving a grey Ford Mondeo.
The store had taken delivery of the new phones which were due to go on sale at 09.00hrs on Friday, 21 September. 252 of the phones were taken from the store at 01.30hrs on Friday.
A quantity of cash was also stolen from the safe.
Police also wish to speak with Mr Sethi in connection with the theft on Friday morning of jewellery belonging to a family member from his home address in Audley Gardens.
Anyone who has seen Mr Sethi or has information that would assist the investigation should call Merton CID on 020 8649 3062. To remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
Two Jailed Over Fatal Shoot Out (Forest Gate)
The street in Forest Gate, east London was covered in blood and littered with bullets after the revenge attacks which showed “complete disregard for the public”.
The first gunman Michael Smith was chased and repeatedly shot at point-blank range by the second attacker Kevin Powell.
Smith, 28, of Canning Town, was found guilty of murdering Eugene Brown, 27, and 36-year-old Patrick Ford.
He shot them despite being surrounded by party-goers who spilled out on to the pavement after bullets were fired into the ceiling of a nightclub.
Men Jailed for Brutal Pack Attack on Disabled Man (Bradford)
Majid Ali, 20, Syed Amar Shah, 18, and 16-year-old Mubashaer Ali were among a group of yobs who hurled stones and bricks at Matthew Ellis.
Mr Ellis, 41, whom Bradford Crown Court heard had significant mental illness, needed brain surgery after he was hit on the head with a rock. He also suffered a fractured arm.
The court was told he had been on his way home after spending the day metal detecting when he was attacked on a path near to Frizinghall Community Centre in Bradford in April last year.
After being hit by the stones, Mr Ellis was then struck on the arm with his own metal detector by Shah.
Drug Dealer Ordered to Repay £16,740 (Islington)
Hitchman was arrested last year after police raided a house in Westacott Close, Archway. It turned up £73,000 of crack cocaine and heroin, as well as £7,000 cash in a rucksack thrown from the window when police entered the building.
Forensic evidence linked Hitchman, of Dumbarton Avenue in Waltham Cross, to the bag and he was charged with possession with intent to supply.
A specialist team from Islington – the Payback Unit – proved he had earned £16,740 from his criminal lifestyle.
Andrew Vanhorne Jailed for Ramming his Car into Partygoers (Moss Side)
Andrew Vanhorne, 40, revved up his Volkswagen Bora and drove at speed at partygoers standing outside a house on Markington Street, Moss Side, in revenge for a minor slight.
He ploughed into innocent bystander Carlisle Rock, 47, leaving him with devastating leg injuries.
Another witness, Claudine Henry, was also hit by the car and suffered an ankle injury. The car crashed through the front wall and into the living room before Vanhorne reversed and sped away.
The court heard that the violence came after a partygoer had teased Vanhorne about the necklace he was wearing.
Andrew White Jailed for Harrow Bus Robbery
In Febuary Andrew White, who was travelling on Station Road towards Harrow Bus Station, threatened a 20-year-old passenger with knife concealed in his clothing before taking £10 from him.
The victim continued his journey home and later reported the incident to police.
Officers from the Workplace Violence Unit were made aware of the incident and obtained CCTV footage from the bus, which lead to the 26-year-old being identified.
Chief Superintendent Sultan Taylor, Safer Transort Command, said: “This was an excellent result which has seen a violent offender taken out of circulation and receive a robust judicial outcome.
Police Investigate Sex Assault on 14 Year Old Boy (Naphill)
CCTV image
POLICE are investigating an alleged sexual assault on a 14-year-old boy in a shop in Naphill.
Officers have released CCTV images of a man they would like to speak to in connection with the incident.
Police released information today that at 8.15pm on Thursday, August 2, a 14-year-old boy was in Costcutter on Main Road, Naphill, with his 15-year-old friend.
He started a conversation with a man he knew by sight and considered an acquaintance.
The two started ‘play fighting’ in the store and started to wrestle with each other. The man then touched the boy inappropriately through his clothing, police said. The boy asked the man what he was doing, then left the store with his friend.
Police have released a CCTV image of a man they would like to speak to in connection with the incident. He is Asian, 5ft 11ins, slim, and in his late twenties.
Anyone who recognises the man in the images should contact PC Dave Rawlings via the 24-hour Police Enquiry Centre on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at crimestoppers-uk.org.
Usman Yusin Beat Up 81 Year Old Woman for Driving too Slowly (Burton upon Trent)
A furious motorist beat up an 81-year-old woman after he became stuck behind her as she drove along at 5mph.
Patricia Pearson was left with cut cheeks, swollen lips and lumps on her forehead as Usman Yasin, 30, slapped her across the face. And he only stopped when a passerby intervened.
Yet incredibly Yasin claimed he had only acted in self-defence, telling police she had hit him first, a court was told
Mrs Pearson was on her way to visit her husband in a care home as Yasin struggled to overtake her in a residential street in Burton upon Trent, Staffs.
But once he did, he slammed on his brakes and blocked the road.
When Mrs Pearson got out of her car to find out what he was doing, he started swearing at her.
And he swung out an arm and slapped her across the face when she told him to stop.
Frederick Powell, prosecuting, said the shocking confrontation was only halted when bystander David Smith came between the two.
He added: “Any remorse he says he has shown is crocodile tears. Had Mr Smith not got in the way, he would have gone after her again.”
Yasin, was found guilty of hitting Mrs Pearson following a trial at Burton magistrates court, which was shown images of Ms Pearson’s injuries.
Yasin, of Burton upon Trent, claimed that he was “very remorseful” for the incident.
He said: “She’s the same age as my grandma. If I had taken a second to think and had just driven on, I wouldn’t be here.” Yasin will be sent- enced next month.
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