It is estimated that at least 200 people jumped to their deaths, far more than can be seen in the photographs taken that morning. The jumping started shortly after the first jet hit at 8:46 a.m. People jumped continuously during the 102 minutes that the north tower stood. It took just 10 seconds to fall but it wasn’t fast enough for the victims to lose consciousness before they hit the ground.
If the Youtube version above is down, CLICK ARROW ON SCREEN BELOW. If that doesn’t work, here’s the link: 9/11 JUMPERS
FDNY first responders on hearing people jumping to their deaths from the top of the towers.
Palestinians were dancing in the streets on 9/11.
Islamic Cleric defends the attacks of 9/11 saying, “America Deserved It.”
9/11: Melissa Doi to 911 Operator “Oh My God! It’s so hot, I’m burning up.”
A tribute to the unsung canine heroes of 9/11.
NY POST She was a 3-year-old golden-haired beauty when she got the call to respond to her first disaster. Now, stiffer, slower and a bit gray, 13-year-old Bretagne is one of just a handful of World Trade Center rescue dogs still alive.
“We arrived on 9/12 and started working right away,” said Bretagne’s handler, Denise Corliss, a search-and-rescue volunteer with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
She clambered up ladders to get on top of the huge debris piles, padded across broken glass and twisted steel beams, wiggled into small spaces and crawled into dark holes, all the while sniffing through mounds of pulverized concrete searching for clues that would lead her to survivors. Like all the rescue dogs, she worked without a leash or a collar.
The dogs also didn’t wear protective booties, despite the crushed glass everywhere — they needed their claws for traction. Every night, she was given a decontamination bath. Her eyes, ears and mouth were rinsed out, and her abraded paw pads gently cleaned.
“It was real wet because the fires were still smoldering and the water spray was everywhere,” Corliss recalled. “She just kind of slipped, but she used her paws to pull herself back up and kept on going. That was the only time I was a little unsettled.”
Bretagne was also a magnet for distraught firefighters searching the site for fallen comrades.
The gregarious golden retriever has seen several national disasters since 9/11 — she responded to hurricanes Katrina and Rita, going into flooded areas to find those unable to evacuate. She’s retired now, but has a hard time accepting it, said Corliss.
When Corliss heads out with her new search dog, Aid’n, Bretagne always wants to go along. “I bring her to the training site sometimes and let her run a few drills — she’s still got it,” said the proud handler.
Like Bretagne, the majority of 100 or so FEMA dogs sent to Ground Zero stayed only about 10 days.
All told, about 300 dogs contributed to the rescue and long-term recovery effort at Ground Zero, said Roy Gross, a Suffolk County SPCA agent who ran the mobile hospital that cared for the animals.
“Besides the FEMA and NYPD dogs, you had therapy dogs, brought in to help the rescue searchers, and dozens of volunteers who showed up at the site with their dogs, too,” said Gross.
Kaiser was bused to Ground Zero with his handler, Tony Zintsmaster, and arrived late at night on 9/11. He was immediately assigned to the 12-hour night shift.
As he climbed down from the pile on the morning of his second day, he badly sliced his right front carpal pad, probably on a sharp piece of steel, said Zintsmaster.
The smoky, smoldering pile was especially difficult to navigate after dark, but Kaiser relished the challenge. In the daytime, the dog would de-stress with a visit to the free massage and acupuncture table set up for first responders by the School of Oriental Medicine. Kaiser particularly liked getting acupuncture, said Zintsmaster.
Off the pile, his ebullient personality was a soothing balm to grieving responders. Early one morning, a
firefighter walked up to Kaiser, knelt down and hugged him for a long time, in silence. Then he stood up and walked away, said Zintsmaster. Another time, a group of four firefighters decided the hot and thirsty German shepherd needed a drink.
“So one firefighter cups his hands together and two others are trying to pour water into his hands so Kaiser can lap it up, and meanwhile, the other one’s saying that Kaiser’s dirty, so that firefighter starts cleaning and rubbing his back and his muzzle. Kaiser’s real social, so he loved the attention and it was OK — it was what [the firefighters] needed,” said Zintsmaster.
Kaiser, a “live-find” dog, never gave the alert to indicate he had located a survivor during his 10 days at Ground Zero. But several times, he expressed interest in a scent he’d picked up.
“His training was good. He didn’t alert, which meant whatever he smelled wasn’t alive, but he reacted enough so that I’d know to bring over a cadaver dog,” his trainer said. “It’s always hard when you don’t find survivors.”
The hardworking German shepherd, who will be 13 in October, just retired last year. He’s in good shape, but no longer has the endurance for fieldwork, Zintsmaster said.
Some of the 9/11 rescue dogs have been incredibly long-lived. Tara, from Ipswich, Mass., got to Ground Zero the night of the disaster and stayed eight days. She was one of the oldest survivors, until she died last year at age 16.
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