Sunday, 9 September 2012

Danish model town with mosque at center and church on edge gets destroyed while on display

The [Danish] culture minister’s autonomous protégés unveil a [Danish] model town centering on a grand mosque, leaving a [Danish] village church at the periphery.
Århus Festuge [Festival Week] 2012 ends today, and among the many arrangements is a little exposition on Bispetorv made by ‘Frontløberne’ [the avant-gardists], culture minister Uffe Elbæk’s autonomous protégés, so to speak.
A model town creatively fabricated of cardboard and plastic. I [Uriasposten blog owner Kim Møller, Copenhagen — far away from Århus] received a tip, and a friend of mine was ready to pay a visit yesterday — quite right, a model town with a grand mosque in the heart of town, and a medieval Danish church at the periphery. [img 1 Miniature town made by Frontløberne, age group 16 — part of Århus Festuge 2012]
As the quality was not sufficient in the first photo made with a cell phone, I waited for better images, and they arrived around noon. Last night, unknown perpetrators smashed the showcase and knocked over the minarets.
They just won't give up trying to brainwash people no matter which country it is, they are all the same and they just wont give up. Putting a Church to the back while a Mosque gets the limelight, if that's not brainwashing the public then i don't know what is. They are ramming Islam down our throats without even saying a word.

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