Not all the Muslim co-conspirators in the Holy Land Hamas Terror Financing case were unindicted!
Five of them (CAIR members included) were not only indicted, they were convicted and now are serving long prison terms. A bunch of left wing wacko Occupy Wall Street terrorist-supporters have been out demonstrating for their release. (So, why aren’t they in jail, too?)
October 25th, 2012. The OWS-Marxist-Leftists met outside Federal Hall in Minneapolis to demand a “Day of Action” and to call for “Justice for the Holy Land Five!” “Release the Five Now!”
The Holy Land Five need our urgent solidarity. The U.S. Supreme Court will decide in late October whether their final appeal will even be heard. The Holy Land Five are five Muslimcharity terror-financing leaders wronglyimprisoned due to U.S. government political repression. They are being punished for publicly sending charity to Palestiniansterrorists, at a time when U.S. domination is being challenged in the Middle East. (By Obama) The first Holy Land trial ended in a hung jury, but a second one — using secret witnesses who were never identified to the defense, hearsay evidence and a ‘shock video’ showing protesters in Palestine burning an American flag — contributed to prejudicing the jurors. The result is that five men, who did nothing wrong, are suffering long sentences, between 15 and 65 years. (Should’ve gotten the death penalty for sending money to terrorists)

The lead prosecutor who used these dirty tricks facts and evidence in court is Barry Jonas. Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas is now in Chicago, conducting the ongoing investigation of 23 Midwest anti-war and international solidarity activists. Jonas is a pro-Israel ideologue, politically motivated and willing to trample on people’s terrorists rights.
As thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters learned this past year, the U.S. is becoming a more repressive place. For more than ten years now, hundreds of Arabs and Muslims have faced and are facing unjust prosecutions. (Oh, puhleeese!) Many are already behind bars. (As they should be) Help us turn this case around and demand the U.S. Supreme Court order a new trial now! FFI: Organized by the MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression.
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